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from the Organization
[mitigate me mitigate me i i i am an impulsiveness]
mitigate me mitigate me i i i am an impulsiveness to be quivered o o o half dolor half bliss how
the Organization doles out solace yes from the house of a bird i emerge o cloaked in feathers
clocked i am bathed i am bathed by the Organization the Organization disseminating wisdom in a
slow motion cloacal kiss o o o imbalanced am i i i am a risk i am a risk a full flight of feathers
going round the bend
[i inhabit my best mask before the Organization]
i inhabit my best mask before the Organization o o o a copse of collapse asps i have known i
have known my vows broken my oaths dissolved and the Organization at the gates the
Organization abates the serpents whispers whispers how to inhabit the mask i bear for the
Organization how i yearn to be bare before the Organization the Organization my battery and my
[witness my innards glisten a leash a leash a leash]
witness my innards glisten a leash a leash a leash o i am keeled before the Organization how i
bow how i heel yes see me heel to the will of the Organization i am revived i revise revise o i am
healed by the Organization and a little prick yes a little prick prick a nip a nip a nip and how how
how the Organization cudgels a hound yes i howl on the ground i i i yip i yip i yip my leash of
innards glistening o how i howl
Functional assessment
Stress a trellis institutionally staked,
my constitution a legally mandated
matter of the state. I am a shit apparatus,
backed up, yes, and dysfunctional,
checked as I am every 15 minutes [CHECKS]
checked as I am each 15 [just doing checks].
I am a faulty cyborg, filled with offal, and awful [CHECKS]
is how I am, thanks for [CHECKS] asking this faulty,
shit-filled figure that is livid, yes [CHECKS], I said that is
livid. Find me holy. The tracker at my wrist lets you
find me [CHECKS] wholly unable to go
anywhere that isn’t somewhere anyone
in a position of authority can locate me.
I am allegedly human [CHECKS]
and I am [CHECKS] doing just shit[CHECKS]tily,
thank [CHECKS] you [CHECKS] for asking.
why you’re not getting laid
just throw the scraps of your own skin on the floor like a normal dirty
person. lay your scabs on the corners of windowsills. it is in this way you
are amused by the human body. why else would you, a normal person, do
anything such as that. you are a dirty, dirty person. you are a glutton of
compliments, a slut for excuses. how you are a dirty normal person. how
much spittle does your mouth dribble onto your pillow each night? where
were your feet. where is your decency. and what is decent, normal person?
what might normally be considered decent? to any reasonable person, what
could be said—what is right? what is decent?
what is right. what is decent. how you are a what, dirty person. how you
are a rat. how with your hands so pale so fragile. there are these little
bubbles. that come to the surface under your skin when you have been
washing. and washing. and washing. no ritual can rid you. there is a
certain suffering to be endured. and how you are so little, normal human.
you are contact irritant. you have and are dyshidrosis. will you pop and
fester, you dirty dirty girl? yes, there is nothing to be salvaged in these
words, no, there is nothing, there is nothing at all. how there is, there
is, there is and will be nothing to be salvaged.