“Desire is absolute if the desiring being is
mortal and the Desired invisible.” Absolute,
and boundless because “it nourishes itself . .
. with its hunger.” Each touch is always
interrupted before the encounter. I am on my
knees in the dirt or in bed or on humid wood
floors. You are above me. I am under you.
Pendulous belly, wide leafed plume poppy,
dreamy cardinal, engines at work, at their
edges they harbor buh buh buh uselessness.
whose heads are plugged into glands, and
whose tails wave from our oily wells, whose
gift of faces buried in and eating from other
faces is the love of life
for me particularly
to be prone and filled up with vegetation
to have the same diseases that plants have
to be wearing a tasseled mask that is aroused by the sun
making a host
“all springtimes past”
buried in this face making this kind of piss
with everything: “a projected interior”
a vector that flowers
there it is ah
erupting again
two worms fighting in the dusk
are like a gland
that opens the lily
inside of the groaning statuary
heavy porous sleep
one circle of blue worms
I am easy to cut like a resin
I drink the plant’s piss
Philip Sorenson is the author of four collections of poetry: Of Embodies (Rescue Press, 2012), New Recordings (Another New Calligraphy,
Solar Trauma (Rescue Press, 2018), and Work Is Hard Vore
(Schism Neuronics, 2020). He teaches and lives in Chicago.